Pages tagged: 'Financial Services'

  1. The Innovation Champions League

    The Global Entrepreneurship Monitor has just released it’s latest report on entrepreneurial behaviour and attitudes.  It’s an impressive piece of work – almost a quarter of a million interviews across 100+ countries with countless institutions and academic establishments contributing.  And they’ve been doing it for 17 years so it’s a well established and objective process.  It shows how well the UK is doing – and why innovation is key.

    March 17th 2016

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  2. Innovator of the Year

    The Christmas season is seeing the usual increase in online shopping activity as each year the impact of the internet eats more in our lives.  According to reports from McKinsey and more recently the Boston Consulting Group, the Internet sector contributes 5.5% of the GDP of developed economies. Which country ranks top in terms of innovation and internet impact?  Not the US – somewhere closer to home.  

    December 21st 2015

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  3. Digital Adolescence

    Why is the digital generation proving the most cynical as far as mobile payments are concerned? The use of mobile devices to make payments is not new (think Africa) but it wasn’t until April this year that the UK launched Paym.  According to the Payments Council, these sorts of transactions will become second nature.  Yet the very people who should be adopting this (15-25 year olds) are apparently the most reticent.  What’s going on ?


    August 15th 2014

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  4. Complexity is the Hidden Killer

    One of the great accomplishments of the technology sector is it’s ability to make increasingly complex systems easy to use.  Whether you think of Windows, Skyboxes or iPhones, you are using multiple layers of technology to convert the simple things that we can do (swipe, tap, press) into fiendishly complex operations.  But are we like the hungry caterpillar, gorging ourselves on each new temptation without thinking of the consequences?  

    February 7th 2014

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